This unit introduces students to the fluid mechanics techniques used in mechanical engineering. The hydraulic devices and systems that incorporate the transmission of hydraulic pressure and forces exerted by a static fluid on immersed surfaces.
Topics included in this unit are: pressure and force, submerged surfaces, fluid flow theory, aerodynamics, and hydraulic machinery.
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to work with the concept and measurement of viscosity in fluids, and the characteristics of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids; examine fluid flow phenomena, including energy conservation, estimation of head loss in pipes and viscous drag; and examine the operational characteristics of hydraulic machines, in particular the operating principles of various water turbines and pumps.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
1. Determine the behavioural characteristics of static fluid systems.
Pressure and force:
How Pascal’s laws define hydrostatic pressure
Pressure with the use of manometers
Transmission of force in hydraulic devices
Submerged surfaces:
Determining thrust on immersed surfaces
Moments of area and parallel axis theorem
Calculating centre of pressure with moments of area
2. Examine the operating principles and limitations of viscosity measuring devices.
Viscosity in fluids:
Dynamic and kinematic viscosity definitions
Characteristics of Newtonian fluids
Effects of temperature on viscosity
Classification of non-Newtonian fluids
Operating principles and limitations:
Operating principles of viscometers
Converting results acquired from viscometers into viscosity values
3. Investigate dynamic fluid parameters of real fluid flow.
Fluid flow theory:
Energy present within a flowing fluid and the formulation of Bernoulli’s Equation
Classification of fluid flow using Reynolds numbers
Calculations of flow within pipelines
Head losses that occur within a fluid flowing in a pipeline
Viscous drag resulting from fluid flow and the formulation of the drag equation
Application of prior theory of fluid flow to aerodynamics
Principles of aerofoils and how drag induces lift
Flow measuring devices and their operating principles
4. Explore dynamic fluid parameters of real fluid flow.
Hydraulic machinery:
Operating principles of different types of water turbine
Reciprocating and centrifugal pump theory
Efficiencies of these different types of hydraulic machinery
Environmental concerns surrounding hydraulic machines